Zuckerman Spaeder LLP Announces "Suits by Suits" Blog

Zuckerman Spaeder LLP today announces Suits by Suits (www.suitsbysuits.com), a new blog focused on analyzing disputes between companies and their senior executives. Led by Ellen D. Marcus, P. Andrew Torrez, William A. Schreiner Jr., and Jason M. Knott, Suits by Suits concentrates on recent court cases and often-overlooked aspects of employee-employer disputes, particularly issues involving high-level executives.

“Our aim in launching Suits by Suits is to illuminate current issues involving disputes between companies and senior executives, an area that has escaped the attention of other blogs on litigation and employment law,” said Ms. Marcus. “Our goal is to make this subject matter accessible and entertaining for both lawyers as well as readers without a legal background.”

The entries on Suits by Suits address topics such as litigation over employment contracts, “golden parachutes,” severance and non-compete agreements, stock and other compensation plans, and issues related to executives’ fiduciary duties, indemnification, and directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance. The blog also explores issues involved in contract and common law disputes, as well as federal and state labor, antitrust, and nondiscrimination laws relevant to the executive-employment context. This—and an even-handed, objective approach that examines issues in plain English, without taking sides—sets Suits by Suits apart from other legal blogs that either aim to instruct management or employees about defending against or pursuing workplace claims, or simply attempt to catalog the minutiae of new laws, regulations, and court decisions.

“By concentrating on disputes involving companies and their top executives, Suits by Suits provides timely, insightful, and engaging analysis of the key issues at the heart of such sorts of conflicts,” said Zuckerman Spaeder chairman and managing partner Graeme W. Bush. “The blog enables us to demonstrate and share the firm’s experience—not only in litigating disputes between top-level executives and companies but also in counseling companies and executives about how best to avoid disputes or work them out without having to resort to costly and protracted lawsuits—while at the same time educating readers on important and often subtle aspects of the intersection between litigation and employment law.”

Suits by Suits combines everything a great blog by litigators should have: good writing, timeliness, and helpful information of use to practicing attorneys yet presented in terms even non-lawyers can grasp,” said Matthew Kaiser, a Washington, DC attorney who blogs at Above the Law on the Supreme Court. “At once fun and informative, Suits by Suits is the rare legal blog that proves to be well worth following.”

The contributing editors of Suits by Suits have extensive experience representing plaintiffs and defendants in complex civil litigation involving not only companies and corporate executives but also issues that often arise in such disputes. Ms. Marcus and Mr. Knott were key members of the Zuckerman Spaeder trial team that in 2011 won a $5.3 million jury verdict on behalf of the former CEO of the first internet banking services provider. Mr. Torrez handles all aspects of commercial litigation, including non-compete covenants and corporate duties of loyalty and care; earlier this year, he and colleagues at the firm won a ruling requiring an insurance carrier to advance legal fees under a professional liability policy covering hedge fund employees. Mr. Schreiner focuses his practice on insurance disputes, such as directors, officers, and companies seeking coverage under directors and officers (D&O) liability policies.

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Media contact

Kalie Hardos
Email | 202.822.3637