October 2013 Monthly Roundup

| Zuckerman Spaeder Team and John J. Connolly and Jason M. Knott

October was a busy month for us here at Suits By Suits – and, we imagine, for many of you as well.  The baseball playoffs shut out our hometown Orioles and Nationals (although our sister office in Tampa got to cheer on, however briefly, the playoff-bound Rays), and the gods of the pigskin haven’t been much kinder to the Ravens or Redskins so far.  But despite the fickle fortunes of professional sports, we still managed to crank out some pretty interesting content this month; if you missed any of our prior articles, here’s a summary and link to each one:

Information provided on InsightZS should not be considered legal advice and expressed views are those of the authors alone. Readers should seek specific legal guidance before acting in any particular circumstance.

As the regulatory and business environments in which our clients operate grow increasingly complex, we identify and offer perspectives on significant legal developments affecting businesses, organizations, and individuals. Each post aims to address timely issues and trends by evaluating impactful decisions, sharing observations of key enforcement changes, or distilling best practices drawn from experience. InsightZS also features personal interest pieces about the impact of our legal work in our communities and about associate life at Zuckerman Spaeder.

Information provided on InsightZS should not be considered legal advice and expressed views are those of the authors alone. Readers should seek specific legal guidance before acting in any particular circumstance.